This UX app design illustrates a new user account setup process for Traeger Grills WiFire® enabled grill owners, and the collection of user's preferences about diet, grill type, cooking skill level, and potential food allergies.
OVERVIEW: Traeger Grills provides an amazing feature to their grills that allows grillers to control via mobile app their temperature settings, cook times, access to recipes, and much more. They wanted a way to capture even more useful user preferences in order to customize the app and better serve their customers. I provided ideation, strategy, and low fidelity to high fidelity comps to meet the challenge of how to go about capturing this additional user information. Traeger already had an incredible amount of data from a pool of hundreds of thousands of existing customers. The challenge was how to organize this data to determine useful monetizing opportunities.
ROLE: Sr. UX Designer.
TEAM: Chad Sollis, VP Digital Experience. Bart Strong, Director of Digital Technologies. Jared Wright, Sr. UX Designer.
GOAL: Design a user experience that invites new and returning app users to: • Simplify the technology of using their grill. • Engage with users by providing them relevant, customized tools to optimize their grilling experience. • Increase consumable product sales through the app. • Teach customers how to master their Traeger Grill.
Above: Previous home screen for Traeger Grills mobile app which funneled users to connect their grill to the app.
DISCOVERY: Discovery found that new and existing customers desired the following: • Easily connect their device to their grill in order to remotely control it's settings. • Get access to relevant recipes, tips, techniques, resources, and products. • Be empowered to increase their grilling skills by involvement in tutorials, challenges, and earning grilling badges. • Enjoy customized features that make user's lives better. • Engage with the Traeger community.DEFINE: Empathy studies and user research methods revealed customer's desired having the option to provide additional user preference information, but also have a 'Skip' option to be able to explore other app features at their discretion and come back to it later. Research also revealed that customers came into the grilling experience with varied levels of expertise. We realized we could provide an incentivized, gamified curriculum system, per se, to improve their skill levels, thus increasing their engagement with their grill as well as the purchase of additional consumable pellets, sauces, cleaning supplies, etc. This research drove the following design decisions.
Above: UI Design explorations.
EXPLORATIONS: Option 1: I explored showing a 1-page user account summary scroll-thru option where users could review / edit their information at their convenience. User info included: User Pic, First Name/ Last Name, Password, Cooking Skill Level, a display of possible Grill Badges, Diet Type, Grill type, possible Food Allergies. The idea of including a gamification badging system to the cooking skill level could be innovative. These badges could be earned as users sign up/ attend workshop classes, or contribute in the Traeger community in some way. This additional strategic approach was to show how we could increase customer engagement, increase their loyalty, and reward those loyal customers with incentives / discount codes on future purchases.
Option 2: I explored a more incentivized and informative 5-step process that displayed an advanced organizer, ensured we captured accurate information, and informed the user more thoroughly into areas like how to identify what the different diet types mean, etc. The incentive option was driven by analyzing and leveraging the collected data and determining what the potential value of collecting user preferences could be in targeting other purchasing decisions. That value could justify offering an incentive of some kind to users so they:
1) spend a little more time giving us their info, and 2) complete the profile process.
The confirmation would produce an incentive coupon notification icon in the shopping section of the app where users could redeem the code on their next order. The next step would encourage them to WiFire connect their grill to the app.High Fidelity Comps: Next, I jumped into XD. Following the brand guidelines made this part of the process fairly streamlined.

This flow shows both exploration options: 1) a 5-step option where controlling the pace of the user to input their information is important for our data capture / customizing the app to their preferences, and (after they save / or skip), 2) a smoother summary page of their Account Info (which scrolls and is editable).
A) Account Info: I added the privacy lingo to give users reassurance that we value their privacy.
B) Grill Model: this is consolidated, but another option if it was appropriate (A/B testing) would be to try images of the grills as is displayed in the Shop section.
C) Cooking Level: I went with Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced levels, but A/B Testing would, perhaps, show us an opportunity to try other labels/ graphic icons that represent levels. This also includes the BBQ Badging section since I thought these would go well together. A link to workshops could take users to a list of local workshops based on their geolocation. I also mocked up some graphic ideas for badge icons.
D) Diet Types: The purpose of asking this info is to have the app remember the user's preferences and filter recipes, tips, techniques (etc.) based on this preference? I just went with the most popular diet types, but A/B Testing would also reveal what would be most useful to Traeger customers.
E) Possible Allergies: Again, perhaps this helps to more fully customize the app to the user's preferences.
Confirmation: An idea for incentive confirmation which would show a notification icon in the shop section of the nav for redeeming their next order. The idea for rewarding the user in return for their info in order to make the app a better experience is always important.
Skip: This screen lets users know where to access their account settings, informs them of the incentive to do so later, and still prompts them to take a next step - connecting their grill.
On Return Account Settings Screen: this is the scroll through summary of the prior steps.
IMPACT: This approach is still in development and testing with possible launch early 2020.