User Interface design for a Social Media Marketing mobile course app. This advanced organizer tracked user competency, included gamification of earned badges, and incremental learning activities.

User Interface design for LDSBC Online Course Catalog home page.

Experience API (xAPI) Scalable Vector Graphics for the interactive user interface navigation of the mobile course app.

xAPI Statement Generator under development. Designed to create xAPI calls for a vocabulary of learning activity icons or behaviors.

Finance 101 mobile course home page design.

Finance 101 sliding navigation table of contents design.

Finance 101 Assessment template design.

LDS Business College Learning Pattern Logo Design.

LDSBC ONLINE Logo and style guide.

Brightspace™ Learning Management System (LMS) faculty training course.

Communications 122 course design page on the Gallup StrengthsFinder Assessment.

Communication 122 course design page on Emotional Intelligence.

Communications 122 Interactive Adobe Captivate lesson design.

Communications 122 Interactive Adobe Captivate lesson design.

Communications 122 Interactive Adobe Captivate lesson design.